
Q: What do economics students do after Skidmore?

A: 他们想要什么都行.

From research to  consulting to healthcare to risk analysis to entrepreneurial endeavors, Economics alumni are using the skills they developed here at Skidmore to make a difference 在全世界,在全世界. Read on to find out more about some of our recent graduates and their words of advice for current students.

I personally feel that Iʹve maintained the same relationships with my professors even after graduation and that to me is my biggest accomplishment. 我喜欢交流 with them and an email from my professors just brightens my day, it makes me feel 就像我从未离开过校园一样.


Prachee Arora

当前城市: 新德里,印度
当前位置: 研究 Analyst at RTI International
Beginning an MS in Policy Economics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 2021年春季

What have you found to be most valuable about your economics education at Skidmore?
I've had the opportunity to engage with and learn from the research conducted by my professors and that really has initiated my interest in helping design and evaluate social policies at the intersection of public and development economics.

What is your fondest 经济学系 memory from Skidmore?
Fried chicken from Hattieʹs at Economics 探索More and hanging around in Ms. 阿米莉亚ʹ年代 课前/课后办公室!

What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing a similar career?
Become comfortable with being uncomfortable and utilize STATAʹs help command more 经常!
瑞安·沃尔诺克, 2018届毕业生

当前城市: 纽约市
当前位置: Associate, Global Structured Credit Solutions, at Natixis CIB Americas

What have you found to be most valuable about your economics education at Skidmore?
The Economics Major at Skidmore enhanced my ability to think critically about markets, 全球经济及其他领域. Combined with a broad multidisciplinary study, I graduated from Skidmore college with a skillset which provided a variety of exciting opportunities. The skills I learned as economics major at Skidmore has certainly helped me think about problems differently, and these insights are highly valued at companies these days as businesses look for innovative solutions.

What is your fondest 经济学系 memory from Skidmore?
The support and mentorship that Professor Qi, Professor von Allmen, Professor Goff, and Professor Wolfe provided during my Senior Seminar – while attempting the arduous endeavored of writing my senior thesis, is something that stands out in my mind when thinking back to my time as an economics major. The willingness of these individuals to offer guidance and support is an incredible testament to the devotedness of the entire Skidmore Economics Faculty/Department.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing a similar career?
读! Being well read and staying current on the status of the global economy, monetary/fiscal policy developments, and general financial news stories goes a LONG way. 能够 to discuss a recent news story, or your opinion on a current event is an incredibly valuable skill – these conversations will undoubtably come up at networking events 在采访中. I suggest reading the NY Times (free on Skidmore Campus), and subscribing to the Wall Street Journal (student accounts are very affordable).

当前城市: 波士顿
当前位置: Healthcare consulting at 波士顿 Healthcare Associates

What have you found to be most valuable about your economics education at Skidmore?
My economics education at Skidmore has directly correlated to my career path, as I would not have been introduced to the business-side of the healthcare industry if 这不是为了健康
economics with Professor von Allmen.

What is your fondest 经济学系 memory from Skidmore?

What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing a similar career?

I would advise current students to take a wide variety of electives because you never 知道你可能会对什么感兴趣. In terms of pursuing a similar career, I would advise students to keep their options open and to utilize the Skidmore alumni network 作为资源.

当前城市: 中国江苏省苏州市

当前位置: 研究生, Imperial College, London, Master of Business Analytics program

What have you found to be most valuable about your economics education at Skidmore?
My education showed me how broad and applicable economics could be and how we are 都涉及到经济领域.

What is your fondest 经济学系 memory from Skidmore?
My fondest memory is the warm support I received from professors throughout my studies. They’ve offered intelligent advice when I’ve needed it, provided a sounding board for my own ideas, constantly encouraged me to push myself and grow, and provided valuable 知识的公司.